Lahaina-a Prayerful Tryptich (5)
Created on: 16 Sep 2023
A Prayer for Empowered Lahaina
ceramic torus
The torus is the geometry of life.
Bringing the light of life to the Banyan as an empowered choice of change and conscious evolution to a new kind of city working with the earth not against her.
I took a screen shot of Senator Schatz's video of the Banyan, made a stencil and applied it on the lower part of the bowl. Then I used new growth from a banyan tree on the big island to bring
Hope and the Light of Life to the Scorched.
Luminous Hope for Lahaina
ceramic bowl
After the Fire Storm in Lahaina, I could feel the acre large Banyan tree as a triage for the souls of the passed and living. The tree: a symbol of hope and life; a phoenix rising from the ashes - grieving, healing, renewing -- a community with strong roots, soon shimmering the light of new life.
Akohekohe Rises
up from the ashes of the Lahaina banyan
ceramic globe and bird
Akohekohe, endemic to Maui and critically endangered bird, sits on a globe, rising from the ashes like the legendary phoenix. The globe is inscribed with the Banyan trunks and branches survived from the fires, and a relief of banyan tree new growth.